English | 买球赛的app官网


研究方向: 新兴市场跨国企业,企业非市场化策略、DEI(企业多元/公平/包容性)、社会心理学、企业微观基础等
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2015/07—2020/03  新加坡南洋理工大学南洋商学院  战略管理系  管理学博士
2012/09—2015/06  上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院  应用经济学  经济学硕士
2008/09—2012/06  中国农业大学经济与管理学院  国际经济与贸易  经济学学士


2020.09—至今  买球赛的app官网  企业管理系


Best Researcher Award at the International Research Awards on Leadership and Management, 2023
Best Reviewer of Macro English Track of the 2021 IACMR conference
Outstanding Reviewer for the STR Division for the 2020 annual AOM conference
Best Paper Proceedings of the 2017 annual AOM conference

Huang, D., Tsui-Auch, L. S., Dieleman, M. & Gomulya, D. 2023. Politically connected EMNCs in a
(de)globalising world: A review and future research directions, International Business Review, 102196, online first,

Tsui‐Auch, L. S., Huang, D., Yang, J. J., & Koh, S. Z. 2022. Double trouble: Containing public disapproval arising
from an interplay of stigmatized categories. Journal of Management Studies, 59(8), 2101-2123.

Liu, X., Sun, X., Zheng, H., & Huang, D. 2021. Do policy incentives drive electric vehicle adoption? Evidence from China. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 150, 49-62.

Huang, D. D. 2020. Competition in Southeast Asia's Digital Economy. Nanyang Center for Emerging Markets, Nanyang Technological University. https://nbs.ntu.edu.sg/Research/ResearchCentres/CEM/Research/Documents/

Huang, D. & Sun, F. 2023. From Recipients to Contributors: A Review of Immigrants on Firms’ Internationalization and Future Research Agenda. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, USA.  (A revised version also accepted in 2023 Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Warsaw, Poland

Huang, D., Zhang, H., & Xia, J. 2023. It’s Also About Me: Narcissistic CEOs and Their Effects on Firm’s likelihood to Respond to Striking Events. International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, Hongkong, China.

Huang, D., Park, J., Augugliaro, J., A, S., & Zhang, H. 2023. Time for Change? The Role of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Forces in Shaping the Timing of LGBTQ-Friendly Human Resource Practices Adoption. International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, Hongkong, China.

Huang, D. D., & He, W. 2022. Win from Within: An Internal Fit Perspective of CSR Models Applied in Digital Platforms. Academy of Management Conference, Seattle, USA. (A revised version also accepted in the same year’s Strategic Management Conference Meeting in London, UK.) 

Huang, D. D., & Tsui-Auch, L. S. 2021. The performance effects of outside CEOs in globalizing Chinese firms: market characteristics, legitimacy, and political embeddedness. International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, Xi’an, China.

Huang, D. D., Tsui-Auch, L. S., Dieleman, M., & Gomulya, D. 2021. Do political connections make good travel companions? A review of politically connected EMNCs. Academy of Management Conference, online.

Tsui-Auch, L. S., Huang, D. D., Yang, J. J., Koh, S.Z. 2020. Sailing against the Current: Emerging Market Firms Amid LocalLegitimacy Concerns. Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Miami,USA.

Huang, D. D., Tsui-Auch, L. S., Dieleman, M., &Gomulya, D. 2019. EMMNCS’ Home Country Political Connections and OverseasInvestment Outcomes: A Multi-Theoretical Integration and Research Agenda.Academy of Management Conference, Boston, USA.

Gomulya,D., Tsui-Auch, L. S., Huang*, D. D., & Yang, J. J. 2019.Political Affiliation-Based Stigma: Concepts and De-Stigmatization Tactics byGlobalizing Firms. 10th International Research Meeting in Business andManagement Conference, Nice, France.

Huang, D. D., Gomulya, D., & Tsui-Auch, L. S.2019. The Performance Effects of Outside CEOs in Globalizing Chinese Firms:Market Characteristics, Legitimacy, And Political Embeddedness. 10thInternational Research Meeting in Business and Management Conference, Nice,France.

Huang, D. D., Gomulya, D., & Tsui-Auch, L. S.2019. The Campaign that Backfires: Effects of the Anti-Corruption Drive onChinese Firms’ Performance. 10th International Research Meeting in Business andManagement Conference, Nice, France.

Huang, D. D., Tsui-Auch, L. S., & Gomulya, D.2018. A Review of the Overseas Investment of Politically-Connected Firms andOrganizational Outcomes: Towards A Multi-Theoretical Framework. Academy ofManagement Conference, Chicago, USA.

Gomulya, D., Tsui-Auch,L. S., & Huang*, D. D. 2017. Beyond Globalizing POEs and SOEs:Multiple-Level Framing of Core Illegitimacy Attributes. Best Paper Proceedingof Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, USA. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2017.116.

Gomulya, D., Tsui-Auch, L. S., & Huang*,D. D. 2016. Chinese Overseas M&A and Their Challenged Legitimacy: AFramework of Firm Attribute, Action, And Outcome. Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Hong Kong,China.


(1)国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年项目, 72202108, 地缘政治角力和投资来源国政企关系对具有政治关联的新兴市场跨国企业海外投资的影响及企业应对策略的研究, 2023-01-01 至 2025-12-31, 30万元, 在研, 主持
(2)买球赛的app官网,文科发展基金——青年项目,ZB22BZ0323, 数字生态系统平台互补者研究, 2022-01-01 至 2025-12-31, 10万元, 在研, 主持
(3)买球赛的app官网, 中央高校基本科研业务费——青年教师研究项目, 63212120, 中国数字创新企业在东南亚
市场的拓展和启示, 2020-11 至 2021-10, 3万元, 结题, 主持


国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 72172066, 公司内创业意向的形成机制研究:基于认知能力视
角, 2022-01-01 至 2025-12-31, 48万元, 在研, 参与
国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 72271131, 基于在线医疗社区的团队问诊模式形成与作用机制研究, 2023-01-01 至 2026-12-31, 45万元, 在研, 参与


英文:Strategic Management; Fundamentals of Management


Editorial Board: Multinational Business Review (2022- )
Ad-hoc Reviewers: Asian Business & Management; Asia Pacific Journal of Management; Chinese Management Studies; Corporate Governance: An International Review; Cross Cultural & Strategic Management; International Business Review; Journal of Contemporary China; Journal of Management Studies; Multinational Business Review; Technovation