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Junmin (Jim) Shi教授讲座:Blockchain Adoption for Manufacturers: Matching Supply with Demand

发布时间: 2021-04-07
浏览次数: 407

讲座题目:Blockchain Adoption for Manufacturers: Matching Supply with Demand

讲座人:Junmin (Jim) Shi教授



讲座地点:腾讯会议(会议 ID344 403 674




Blockchain related research is still in its infancy, and is mostly focused on security and scalability. Very little of this research examines at its impact and design issues from management perspectives, especially from the perspective of Supply Chain Management (SCM). To investigate the impact of blockchain technology (BCT) on SCM and the inherent design issues, we consider a generic stochastic model, where a firm seeks to maximize the total expected discounted profit, by jointly managing (i) blockchain design, (ii) production and ordering decisions, and (iii) dynamic pricing and selling. We first show that the deployment of BCT can assist firms in reducing order quantities, lowering selling prices and reducing target-inventory levels. It is also shown that volatility of either supply or demand lowers the expected profit. The analysis is robust with some major extensions, such as lost-sales of demand and random capacity. Finally, our numerical study accumulates useful managerial insights. For example, subject to tech-savvy customer behavior, some types of goods (e.g., credence goods and experience goods) greatly benefit from the adoption of BCT, but it may not prove beneficial to leverage BCT for certain others (e.g., search goods). Considering the lifecycle of a typical good, it is recommended to adopt BCT as early as possible and to adopt it to a higher degree at an earlier stage.




Dr. Junmin Shi is the Hurlburt Chair professor at NJIT.   His research interests lie in Supply Chain Management (SCM), Business Data Sciences, FinTech, Container Shipping Logistics, Blockchain Technology for SCM, Talent Crowdsourcing, Supply Chain Risk and Sustainability, Healthcare Operations, etc. Some of his current research is on the interface between Finance, Supply Chain Management, and Marketing.

Jim Shi is a recipient of IBM Faculty Award (2019), Excellence in Teaching Award (NJIT University- and College-wide), Robert W. Van Houten Award for Teaching Excellence, Outstanding Faculty Research Award (NJIT University- and College-wide).

His research appears at numerous scholarly top-tier journals such as Operations Research (OR), Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (MSOM), Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Naval Research Logistics (NRL), Annals of Operations Research, Operations Research Letter (ORL), European Journal of Operations Research (EJOR), Omega (the International Journal of Management Science). His research has been funded by USDA, IBM, Leir Charitable Foundations, NYSHEX, etc.

Dr. Jim Shi has been serving for multiple editorial roles. He is currently serving as Associate Editor for Decision Sciences Journal  (DSJ), Omega, and Data Science and Management (DSM). He also serves for the Editorial Board for Production and Operations Management (POMS), and the International Journal of Business Analytics (IJBAN).